Maurten Gel
No, your taste buds haven't abandoned you, it's just that you are fully enjoying the experience of Maurten's Gel which just happens to be flavorless. Perfect for picky eaters, this gel is also for anyone who wants to perform at their best. Hydrogel Technology is at the center of the success of Maurten Gels. This near-magic trick has carbohydrates that become encapsulated when they join the party in your stomach. As this hydrogel situation moves through the stomach the carbohydrates are allowed safe passage to your intestines where water, sugar, and salt are absorbed. Gut rot be gone. Get all the energy you need without that urgent trip to check out the woods along the trail. If you need a little extra kick you can also throw down with a 100 Caf that contains the equivalent of 1.5 servings of espresso! Energy to burn, optional caffeine to make you crank, Maurten Gels are the ticket to faster days on the trail.
100 - Surprise to none, this gel contains 100 calories from 25g of fructose and glucose.
160 - One ready-to-eat serving of GEL 160 (kcal) contains 40 grams of carbohydrates.
100 Caf 100 - Also contains 100 calories from 25g of carbohydrates but with 100mg of caffeine.
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Questions & Reviews
Maurten 100
The perfect companion. A great neutral taste- I can always take these jells- even when the 5,000 grams of glucose has caught up to the intestine's. Amazing packaging. The 100 has the perfect amount of carbs. Comfortable to take before an interval workout or in the middle of a long run.
Rating: 5/5
Maurten 160
The perfect companion. A great neutral taste- I can always take these jells- even when the 5,000 grams of glucose has caught up to the intestine's. Amazing packaging! This is the ideal companion for longer runs as I find the amount of carbs to be a bit high for hard vo2 max session.
Rating: 5/5
Maurten 100 Caf 100
This one is not my favorite. While it keeps to the original formula, I find that the raw caffeine with no flavoring to be incredible bitter. If anyone thinks this is wrong lmk below. I’m quite curious to see if others think the same. The amount of caffeine (100 grams) is the perfect amount to give you a nice boost. However, be cautious, I am not the most caffeine adapted (or addicted) I find 160 grams to be the perfect amount any more and I get quite jittery and feel like my heart might fail. So it’s pretty easy to have a couple of these bad boys and have a heart attack completely unrelated to that particular Strava KOM that keeps evading you. (I’m looking at you Owen)
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