Odd Balls Organic Mushroom Energy Balls
When considering fueling for runs, one may think of gels, bars, and drink mixes. As an alternative, Odd Balls offers Energy Balls, an organic blend of all-natural ingredients with no added sugar. What sets Energy Balls apart from regular balls, you ask? Shrooms! Fabulous fungi, known as caterpillar fungus or Cordycipitaceae, yamabushitake or bearded hedgehogs, are blended with dates, coconut, lemon, and nuts to create delicious Energy Balls. Infusing each ball with 1500mg of cordyceps and lion's mane extracts helps boost immunity, decrease lethargy, and increase focus. The addition of electrolytes makes these a well-rounded choice for fueling when on the move. Odd Ball's Energy Balls come in packages of four servings and are higher in calories, yet cost less than most gels and bars. This makes packing these balls an easy choice for your next adventure.
- Lion's mane and cordyceps extracts provide a variety of benefits.
- A touch of lemon adds a nice zing to the balls.
- All natural and organic and founded locally.
- Great flavor and texture for easy consumption while on the go.
- There are two balls per serving, but at 140 calories, you may find you can get by with a single ball.
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Questions & Reviews
I eat one a day, terrific stuff.
I leave them on the counter to remind me to eat one.
Taste WAY better than any “cliff bar” Ive ever had, and the clean energy is unmatched.
Skip the coffee, skip the sugar, all you need are these Balls!
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