Neversecond C30 Sports Drink
Edsger Dijkstra once said, "Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability." With just four simple ingredients, Neversecond has embraced this philosophy with its entire line of products, especially its C30 Sports Drink. Science has proven that a 2:1 maltodextrin-to-fructose ratio is reliable and energy-inducing, while the neutral PH and mild but wildly delicious flavors are gastric distress reducing. Each scoop of this future potion contains 120 calories, 200mg of sodium, and 30 grams of carbs, so simply add one to three scoops into your favorite 500-750ml soft flask* for reliable fueling on your next exploit.
*Unless you'd like to have the shock of your life, we recommend adding a fluid of some sort. Water's neutrality makes it a good choice, but it's your adventure!